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    Mistake Proofing Overview (II)


    Posts : 166
    Join date : 2010-10-28

    Mistake Proofing Overview (II) Empty Mistake Proofing Overview (II)

    Post  mellida01 Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:26 am

    The question is, can the cheap blue laser error that causes the defect be minimized? Can it be eliminated?
    The error in our public rest room example is cheap laser pointer human forgetfulness. People forget to operate the cheap laser pointers equipment. So, we build in an automated cheap red lasers solution that takes care of this operation for them. They can no longer buy blue laser make the error; the defect is removed.

    There are five general reasons why discount laser pointers errors occur:

    Procedures are incorrect or non-existent. They do not buy laser pointer fit the task, the environment, the equipment, the flashlight laser pointer materials, the measurement, or the labor green beam laser resources.
    There is excessive variation in the process
    There is excessive variation in the raw green laser pen materials
    Measuring devices are inaccurate
    Human green laser pointer error

    The last item on our list, human error, can buy green laser be further broken down into ten categories:

    Forgetfulness, nor not concentrating;
    Misunderstanding, or jumping to green light laser conclusions without having all the information;
    Identification, or viewing the highest power laser situation incorrectly (perhaps it is too far away);
    Training, or lack of it;
    Willful errors where the laser beam pointer human ignores the rules;
    Inadvertent errors involving laser for sale distraction or fatigue;
    Slowness, or delays in laser pointer keychain judgment;
    Lack of standards;
    Surprises when laser pointer pen something does not go as planned, and;
    Intentional laser torch flashlight errors such as sabotage.

    This list should give some food for 5mw green laser thought. There are many things that contribute to buy lasers online human error. Among them are adjustments, multiple tasking, best laser pointer infrequent tasks, lack of standards, and repetition that is too rapid for the individual.

    Such black laser pointer things can be controlled. Indeed, a great deal of blue beam laser planning and expense is involved in trying to buy red laser do so. Yet errors still happen. A traditional blue laser pen approach to manufacturing and service industries is to think they are unavoidable. People are only human. Everything varies, and blue laser pointer can't plan for all contingencies. The blue light laser traditionalist would say that everything must be inspected to control the inevitable blue ray laser defect. (Remember that defect is the result of error.)

    The Lean Six Sigma 100mw blue laser view, however, differs. Many errors can be eliminated, not all of 100mw laser pointer them, to be sure, but many. If many can be eliminated, and many more can buy wholesale electronics be reduced, and if the focus of the efforts is in the Vital Few 100mw red laser rather than the Trivial Many, then the need for inspection can be 10mw green laser reduced or eliminated. Inspection for defects does not capture all of them. A 200mw laser pointer Lean Six Sigma approach makes the User the inspector, and it 10mw laser pointer controls the errors in the processes to assure that the 150mw green laser user is satisfied with their 150mw laser pointer inspections. Inspection happens in a Lean Six Sigma 200mw green laser process; it is an inspector for error.

    Source Inspection

    The chart below illustrates the traditional 20mw green laser inspection process that focuses on finding the 250mw green laser defect. Here the inspector stands at the end of the line and 250mw laser pointer feeds back information to its various positions.

    Mistake proofing provides immediate 300mw green laser feedback at each step, prior to the creation of a 300mw laser pointer defect. Detection is finding an error after it has occurred.
    30mw green laser Indeed, action can be taken before errors occur. Immediate feedback and 30mw laser pointer immediate proximity to the potential error allows for better Prediction and 500mw green laser Prevention.

    Mistake Proofing On the Job

    Shutdown: Effective in both 50MW green laser prediction and detection. An example of a shutdown 532nm green laser device is a camera that will not function when there is not enough light to take a 532nm laser pointer picture. The meter predicts the picture will not take, and it shuts down. Some clothes dryers shut down when they detect an overheating situation.

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